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Did you know HEARING JOURNEY offers TWO ways to learn about Advanced Bionics technology directly from AB recipients and share your cochlear implant experience with others? We encourage you to visit both HJ CHAT and HJ FORUM for the best Hearing Journey experience.

HJ CHAT meets every Thursday evening from 7-10 pm ET/4-7 pm PT for a live exchange of questions, answers, and support. Please join by logging in and clicking on the green "US Weekly Chat" box on the home page. **Once in the chatroom, if you are prompted to log in again and cannot with your HJ username and password, please log in as a Guest, but with your HJ Username.

HJ FORUM is available all day, seven days a week. You can read discussions from others or add your own posts. Sign up for the Forum's DAILY DIGEST to receive a brief summary of the day's discussions by email. Want to read the most recent discussions? Log in and click on LATEST TOPICS. Want to start a new discussion? Log in and click https://hearingjourney.com/post/discussion

jsphilb ✭✭

About Me

I am 80 yrs old as of Feb. 2022. I was implanted in 2016 (at age 74) with an Advanced Bionic Q90 Cochlear Implant (CI) for my right ear (upgraded to Marvel CI in Oct. 2021) in which I experienced a sudden severe hearing loss. I also use a Phonak Link hearing aid (HA) for my left ear, in which I have normal "age-related" hearing loss. By profession, I am a PhD nuclear engineer (retired). During a long career at various National Laboratories and, later, as an independent technical consultant, I specialized in research reactor design, nuclear facilities design and safety, nuclear criticality safety, and nuclear weapon response. I am the author (and/or co-author) of numerous technical reports and technical journal papers. I was also active in and held elective leadership positions in both the local and national divisions of the American Nuclear Society.


Last Active
Members, Mentor

Mentor Information

My favorite thing about my AB Cochlear implant is
I now have "stereo" hearing again after 7 years of only one-sided hearing. My overall hearing (and participation) has improved in meetings, restaurants, and at parties.
With my AB cochlear implant, I can
... participate more fully in meaningful conversations rather than shy away for fear that I may not have understood what others are saying.
My favorite sound is
waterfall, birds chirping, children at play
I chose AB because
Overall technical excellence in the products and accessories as well as the AB support structure (on-line practice and training programs).
I am a BEA Mentor because
I enjoy encouraging new users. I want to share the knowledge that peak performance (success) awaits you. But it takes time and dedicated practice.
I can help cochlear implant candidates by
I can suggest ways to gain proficiency with your CI through practice and repetition using readily-available performance enhancement programs and tools.