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Did you know HEARING JOURNEY offers TWO ways to learn about Advanced Bionics technology directly from AB recipients and share your cochlear implant experience with others? We encourage you to visit both HJ CHAT and HJ FORUM for the best Hearing Journey experience.

HJ CHAT meets every Thursday evening from 7-10 pm ET/4-7 pm PT for a live exchange of questions, answers, and support. Please join by logging in and clicking on the green "US Weekly Chat" box on the home page. **Once in the chatroom, if you are prompted to log in again and cannot with your HJ username and password, please log in as a Guest, but with your HJ Username.

HJ FORUM is available all day, seven days a week. You can read discussions from others or add your own posts. Sign up for the Forum's DAILY DIGEST to receive a brief summary of the day's discussions by email. Want to read the most recent discussions? Log in and click on LATEST TOPICS. Want to start a new discussion? Log in and click https://hearingjourney.com/post/discussion


About Me

My younger daughter Reha was diagnosed with a hearing loss late at 20 months. We worked hard to get her the best access and therapy to integrate her into a mainstream school. I believe that a parent has the power to change the future of their child and the key to this power is in acceptance and hard work.


Last Active
Members, Mentor

Mentor Information

My favorite thing about my AB Cochlear implant is
I love the aqua kit, the ease with which mapping sessions go. The battery options and the ROGER compatibility makes it all worthwhile for my child.
With my AB cochlear implant, I can
Take my daughter to the beach, pool, play holi or football and not worry about her not hearing. I love the freedom my child has from care of the devices even though she is wearing them at all times.
My favorite sound is
Reha loves playing and listening to music. *She also likes to have conversations in whisper*
I chose AB because
The high resistance to impact, the phonak compatibility, the t-mic and the aqua kit.
I am a BEA Mentor because
I don't think my journey is unique. I borrowed strength from strangers who shared their story and inspired me to work hard for my child. I would like to be in a position of passing this flame.
I can help cochlear implant candidates by
Sharing my experience and listening to yours. It is a shared journey and not many others can understand it. I can also share the research I have done from India and around the world on therapy options and on mainstreaming my child.